
At least one author of each accepted paper has to register using the author registration option. If an author has more than one paper accepted, then it will be necessary to pay a registration for each of the papers (or that different authors register for different papers). Additional authors can register using the early/late/on-site registration deadlines. If you have doubts concerning this point, contact the General Chair ( as soon as possible.

If a paper has been accepted but no author has registered by the deadline (June 15, there will be no extension) then the paper will not be included in the Springer proceedings.

Author Registration (before June 15, 2015) 550€
Early Registration (before July 9, 2015) 550€ 550€
Late Full Registration (before September 17, 2015) 650€
On-site registration (only cash) 750€
Additional conference dinner ticket 75€
Additional extra page (max. 2) 70€ per page

All registration types include one volume of the proceedings, three lunches, coffee breaks, one excursion and one ticket to the conference dinner (additional tickets can be purchased during registration). Registration Process.

Registration Process

You can pay the registration fee either by credit card (visa or master card) or by bank transfer. If you choose bank transfer, please, use the following bank account details:

where you should replace Name by your Family Name. If you pay by visa card then you will need to fill and sign one the following forms: credit card form in Microsoft docx format or credit card form in PDF format. Then, you can complete the registration form where you will be asked to attach either the signed visa payment form or the bank transfer receipt.